At age 32 my friend Steve will give me his sperm. That is the pact we agreed upon almost two years ago during a two hour phone conversation. I remember it clearly, how I paced the beige and pink tiled floors while discussing the logistics of our flawless plan. And then I remember hanging up and feeling defeated, like I had been clobbered with twenty-something hammers for every year I had lived, single and childless. Not only could I not imagine creating a child atop a cold examination table where the only object being inserted would be a plastic catheter, but I also couldn’t imagine an amorous liaison with Steve as my feelings for him leaned toward the platonic, the brotherly, and the inconceivable. And the thought of relinquishing the search for Mr. Right to then wed in a quickie wedding and hope for the best a lá Jennifer Lopez was more than I could bear. So I decided to be bold, be a woman, and take matters into my own hands.
Just a few weeks ago – and less than five years to the donation – I started my new life as a woman. I found myself hoping for more than sperm as I sat in the little coffee shop of the Virgin Mega store across from Michael. We sat in black plastic chairs around a little round table. There were no coffee cups to sip from, no CD’s to listen to or discuss, just the nervousness that overwhelms during a first date. I immediately realized he wasn’t my type. His hair, gelled and spiked at the front, was too perfect. His slim fitted slacks were too pressed. And his black rimmed eye glasses were too cool. Yet still I felt a tingle, like we were meant to be joined, like Bacardi rum and coke - I being the former.
After a few “getting to know you" minutes, we decided to leave the coffee shop and walk over to Patsy’s, a little Italian American restaurant in Union Square, to eat lunch. The walk over was telling. He didn’t walk ahead of me, which screams I-will-beat-you-with-a-club-and-drag-you-to my-cave, or walk behind me, which pleads walk-all-over-me-I-am-yours-to-lead! But then there was the opening of the door. He didn’t hold it in a traditional and chivalrous manner, where the man actually rushes ahead and holds it open at a perfect 90-degree angle. But then again who does.
Michael and I were seated. We were across from one another again, a square table now between us. As we ate lunch, a cheese pizza pie for me and a salad and white bean soup for him, my agreement with Steve crept back into my mind. How could a man fill himself up on soap and salad? I thought. How could anyone? I pushed the negative thoughts aside and held on to the potential because he was cute enough, educated, had a job, was childless and woman less, and didn’t live with his momma. Because there was a chance my egg count was plummeting as the minutes passed, as we sat within the confines of that restaurant. Because you can’t drink Bacardi without coca cola! And then he looked at me and said:
“I really enjoy talking to you.”
I was taken aback, feeling guilt ridden at how much I had nitpicked, tore his slender limbs apart. I finally managed to form words and said:
“It’s really nice talking to you too. It’s easy.”
And I was speaking truthfully. Even though he was smaller than I preferred. Even though he lived in New York City and I lived in South Jersey. Even though he spoke of his tough financial status and harped on about the injustices of the world and the United States school system. I liked him. And I would give this a try. Yes, I would give this a try and even consider a long distance relationship. I would open myself up to the possibility of Michael, if only to attempt love again, if only to lessen the odds of marrying a Marc Anthony.
Her girl This is great to read!!!You know how much I hate to read!!!
Lokking forward to the next one.
Hey, nice writing. And your photos are gorgeous!
Y QUe paso despues? I don't recall if I heard of this guy!? Have names been changed? I think sometimes we have to let out gurad down and stop looking for what we preceive as the perfect man. He might have been thinking the same things. Dating brings up so much anxiety doesn't it. I don't think you have to worry about your eggs mija. A foxy lady liek you will be spitting them out :). My g'ma had her last one at 43! meli g
Girl, you should have a sitcom. I know it's your life and all, but it's pretty funny.
P.S. Second date?
Sujation Sensation,
I just wrote like 4 paragraphs, but it didn't get posted, I'll just call you and tell you my thoughts. I hope this gets posted.
Since that worked, I'll try again. The whole thing was very descriptive and entertaning. I love your metaphors (J Lo and Marc). I especially liked how described your thoughts and feelings during the first date and your decision process is very relatable.
I don't think that you finished the "I took matters into my hands". How did you do that? I think like your walk analysis this could be very funny stuff...what does making the first contact/approach say about us as women. I know this is a short piece though.
Also, I think you should let us readers into why it is that you are making a baby pact so soon. You are youg so is there a reason why you want a back up?
The story made me think, what if I was in this situation. the way I see it you didn't make a pact to marry Steve, leaving a door open to find mr. right. If you really feel strongly about your cut off age, go for it. Ideally, you only want to have mr. right's babies but that's what's so wonderful about mr. right, he loves the whole package if he really loves you, so you never have to stop searching for him, baby or no baby in arm.
It was great, I can't wait to read more!
hey chica,
i have to say i do enjoy reading your blogs. like i said before, i always avoided them because i thought they were a poor excuse to complain. but yours is good!!! it seems to get better and better.
By the way, was there a second date? and maybe if you werent thinking so much about what he doesnt have, you would have noticed that he was actually enjoying your conversation.
take care chica,
I loved reading this piece...I can totally relate to your story...(perhaps a little too much)...can't wait to read your blog next week....
So far so good,I have enjoyed them both. Second date? Tu sabes q vamos a ser madre no importa como, estamos en el mismo bote tu y yo. I liked the comparison of Marc and JLo. Also was this Steve guy white? Take care and Im looking forward to next week's blog!!! Tienes un talento increible!
Perhaps I should consider making that pact too... Problem is I can't find the 'right' person who to make that pact with! lol... Take care and I'll catch you next week!
suji, wow. Im hooked. when can I buy the book. or where do I rent the DVD.
You have a great talent and I hope Mr. Right comes along. anything you need let me know.
As the mother of a new baby, I find myself reminiscing about my days before I became a mom and wondering what life would have been like as a single 20-something. Enjoy the journey.
Hola Sujeiry,
I was sent to your blog spot by Mr. Victor Perez. Victor is a good friend, and one of my dance Directors. I completely connected with you on the opening paragraph. I had a conversation, in the past, with a good friend of mine about the same exact thing. The great thing about my situation today is that I have found my Prince and now I, God willing, will conceive my babies with the man that I am in love with. More power to you for "taking matters into your own hands" and choosing be be a mom...even without Mr. Right!
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