The holiday season brings happiness and the spirit of generosity. Christmas lights decorate fire escapes, wrapped presents sit underneath synthetic trees, and family members gather to chug Heinekens and have a merengue dance-off. The holidays also bring the return of all things - from the twenty-four hour marathon of “A Christmas Story” to the non-stop playing of the burrito song where the boy sings “tuki tuki tuki tuki.” But not all things that return during this festive time are as enjoyable as a good flick and a cheesy Spanish holiday song. There is also the return of the unwanted, like long lines at airports and thoughtless presents. The worst possible return being the ghosts of exes past.
I reached over and flipped open my cell phone. I had a text message from a familiar number, a number I hadn’t dialed in months. Happy Holidays to you and your family, it read. I shot up from the comfort of my bed and dialed the number.
“Hey!” he said.
“Hi. I got your text message,” I replied, lacking his enthusiasm.
“I’m surprised you called. How are you?” he asked.
I went on to tell my ex-boyfriend about my new boyfriend, Elijah. I bragged. Told him how well things were going in my relationship and how happy I was. Told him my family loved my new boyfriend. He went on to tell me about the end of his last affair. How she had gone through his cell phone and was envious of his relationship with his co-workers.
“You were never like that with me,” he said.
I sensed his regret. It felt good, but I wanted no part of it.
“Listen I would prefer it if you didn’t call me. I don’t think you can treat me as a friend, and I don’t want to disrespect my boyfriend.”
George didn’t take it lightly. He had returned with a purpose, and I wasn’t softening as I had so many times before. So he dug up the past, scattered the remains throughout the conversation. I remained unaffected as his frustration level rose, and I bid him farewell. I then dialed Elijah’s number.
“Hey, I need to tell you something,” I said.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
I told him everything.
“Actually, I have to talk to you about something,” he said.
“What’s up?” I replied innocently.
“I spoke to my ex-girlfriend, and I’m really confused about what I feel. I wanted to wait to speak to you in person but I didn’t want to pretend like everything was ok. I need some time to figure things out.”
My eyes welled up with tears. I couldn’t believe what was happening.
“We’ll talk more when you get to Jersey, ok?” he said.
“Yeah,” I replied.
“Sujeiry, I’m not getting back with her. It’s not about that. Remember that,” he said.
“Ok.” I replied.
I hung up my cell, cradled my face and felt the softness of my hands, and began to cry. The ghosts of exes past had resurrected. I was prepared to bury them but Elijah wasn’t. He allowed her spirit to haunt our relationship. I could always feel her, lingering.
Awww, Pobrecita. OK, Elijah is starting to make me angry. If it's not his ex-girlfriend, then what is it? He needs to explain himself to me... I mean, to you. What happens next?
Yeah, that's crazy; an ex can do that to you. I wouldn't wanna be on either side of that equation. I once called an ex of mine just to say hi and she cursed me out, that was kind of crazy.
Hope it turns out ok, you don't deserve that. :)
i hate EXes. my own and everyone elses too.
merry christmas
No matter what, don't go back to the ex, even if your current boy dosen't know what the hell wants, (they never do anyway- that's why they cheat) Ex boyfriends who call you after you break up are just trying to make sure they could still hit it if they wanted to.
Now the new guy, at least he was honest, but if he's going to start that shit about him having to figure out what he really wants, and if he really wants to be with you, or in any relationship at all... FUCK HIM!!! Your time is valuable. You should not have to wait for anyone to decide if they want to be with you. No one is more important than you. Look out for yourself.
Yeah, I guess he was honest but he's still an idiot. He hasn't figured out that exes are exes for a reason. Once it's over it's over! He's got a lot of maturing to do!!
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