Monday, December 28, 2009

Love Trips: What If

I remember watching the movie Sliding Doors and being fascinated by the concept of "what if." As the metal train doors shut on Gwyneth Paltrows' face, I wondered if something as seemingly insignificant as snoozing for an extra five minutes or strolling down the block instead of catching the M3 bus could change the course of my life, indefinitely and immeasurably. What if I had never slept over Kurt’s dorm room that one night in college? I pondered as Gwyneth’s life unfolded on split screen. Kelvin, my fine, college friend who was head over heals for me, would have never witnessed me walking down the stairs side by side with Kurt early in the morning. He would have never glanced over at me in that moment, eyes filled with shock and sadness. I would have never lost his trust and he would have never rejected me two years later. We could have been something. Or could we?

Read more of Love Trips: What If.

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